“Callejera” translates to street walker, or wanderer. This exhibition reflects the experiences and personal journey of a young designer being raised in the streets of South Nashville. Tania Crescencio invites you to celebrate themes of family, faith, and culture. Through photographs, graphics, collages, and even neon, Tania embraces her Mexican identity and the complex relationship with social and political issues that she has had to face throughout her career. Nashville is home to thousands of immigrants and U.S.-born Latinos yet every year they face challenges to exist. Nashville is home. Callejera invites you to celebrate and pay homage to the incredibly beautiful city of Nashville through the lens of a daughter of Mexican immigrants.


Callejera se traduce como caminante callejero. Esta exhibición refleja las experiencias y el viaje personal de una joven diseñadora criada en las calles del sur de Nashville.

Tania Crescencio invita a celebrar los temas de la familia, la fe y la cultura. A través de fotografías, gráficos, collages e incluso neón, Tania abarca su identidad mexicana y la compleja relación con las cuestiones sociales y políticas que ha tenido que afrontar a lo largo de su carrera. Nashville es el hogar de miles de inmigrantes y latinos nacidos en EE.UU. y cada año se enfrentan a retos para existir. Nashville es nuestro hogar. Callejera te invita a celebrar y rendir homenaje a la increíblemente hermosa ciudad de Nashville a través de la lente de una hija de inmigrantes mexicanos.

You can find more information about Tania and her work here. We are honored to have this exhibition on display September 20 – December 6 2024.