Early Voting at Casa Azafrán

Casa Azafrán is a vibrant space that not only serves as an early voting center, but also as a gathering point for the community. Our commitment to civic participation goes beyond simply offering a place to vote; We also organize educational events, informative talks and activities that seek to empower citizens to become actively involved in the democratic process.

From workshops on the importance of voting to discussions on topics relevant to our community, Casa Azafrán strives to be a catalyst for positive change. We firmly believe that democracy is strengthened when everyone participates in it, and we are dedicated to providing the resources and support necessary to make that happen.

Additionally, we are proud to offer a welcoming and friendly environment for all voters, regardless of their background, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. We believe that every voice counts and every vote matters, and we work tirelessly to ensure that every person feels valued and respected when they exercise their fundamental right to vote at Casa Azafrán.

We encourage people to make their voting plan and come vote early to avoid the lines. Additionally, we invite you to come as a group and organize “date lunches” to make the voting experience a community and social activity.

Early voting efforts and campaigns at Casa Azafrán are led by Conexión Américas within its advocacy efforts. They have a campaign to highlight and motivate voters called the “Early Voting Hall of Fame.” Follow them on social networks to find out who has been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

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