Job Board
Please read the disclaimer carefully before submitting a job or responding to a listing and then follow the link to reach the Job Board. Your use of the Job Board indicates your agreement to, and acceptance of, these terms.
About job listings
Free listings: visible for 30 days
Paid listings: visible for 60 days and highlighted as featured at the top of our Conexión Américas job board.
For both Review the disclaimer below before clicking away to your choice of job listing.
Job Board Disclaimer
The Conexión Américas Job Board does not screen applicants for qualifications or work authorization. Conexión Américas makes no recommendation regarding potential employers or employees. Conexión Américas does not guarantee the validity of any job vacancy submitted to the Job Board. All hiring is handled directly between the job candidate and the employer. Conexión Américas does not guarantee a job placement for anyone using the Job Board, nor does Conexión Américas guarantee that an employer will fill a vacancy by using the Job Board.
Conexión Américas is not responsible for, and makes no representations regarding, the safety, wages, working conditions, working environment, skills, work ethic, taxes, personal injury or any aspect of employment arising out of or connected with the Job Board, for either the employer or the employee.
Any employer who posts a job opening and uses a logo, trademark or copyright protected material warrants and represents that the employer has full authority and permission to use such logo, trademark and/or copyright protected material, both in connection with the Job Board and otherwise, and expressly agrees to allow Conexión Américas to use it in connection with the Job Board and promoting the job opening.
All Job Board postings are moderated by Conexión Américas and we reserve the unilateral right to refuse a posting. We will not post jobs that, among other things, appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or gender, or that use profanity, obscenities, vulgarity or harassing language.
All users of the Job Board represent and agree that they will indemnify the Conexión Américas against any and all liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, relative to any claim made against Conexión Américas by any person or entity that is related in any way or arising out of use of the Job Board.
Conexión Américas does not accept job postings regarding: unpaid internships, volunteer positions, household employees, commission-only positions; multi-level marketing positions; and jobs from agencies or companies who have complaint files on record with our agency.
Conexión Américas is not liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use this Web Site and material, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Conexión Américas reserves the unilateral right to change the terms of use to this Job Board at any time.
By using the Job Board, employers and job seekers agree to:
- Refrain from uploading language that is untruthful, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to another user or any other person or entity.
- Use the Job Board only for its intended purpose.
- Pay the applicable fees.
For additional information about using this website, please read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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